PED Network Partner Universities Training of trainers Cohort’s History Conditions and criteria
for implementation
Committees and governance

Cohort’s History

The first PED Brasil classes were offered to participating teachers in 2017. Since then, more than 600 elementary, middle and high school teachers have completed, or are about to complete, the specialization course in mathematics or natural sciences.

April/2024 - April/2026 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, RJ
1 cohort - SCIENCE
March/2024 - March/2026 Faculdade Sesi de Educação São Paulo, SP
1 cohort - MATH
October/2023 - October/2025 Universidade Positivo Curitiba, PR
1 cohort - MATH
August/2023 - August/2025 Universidade de Taubaté Taubaté, SP
Partnership with the BNDES, FLUPP and State Departments of Education of Pindamonhangaba and Taubaté
2 cohorts - MAT
April/2023 - December/2024 Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia Porto Seguro, BA
1 cohort - MATH
1 cohort - SCIENCE
March/2023 - December/2024 Universidade de São Paulo Piracicaba, SP
Partnership with the State Departments of Education of Americana, Capivari, Limeira and Piracicaba.
3 cohorts - MATH
December/2020 - December/2022 Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú Sobral, CE
Partnership with the Department of Education of the City Sobral
1 cohort - MATH
1 cohort - SCIENCE
December/2020 - December/2022 Universidade Estadual do Ceará Fortaleza, CE
Partnership with the Department of Education of the City of Fortaleza
1 cohort - MATH
August/2019 - July/2022 Faculdade Sesi São Paulo, SP
Partnership with the Secretary of Education of the City of São Paulo
1 cohort - MATH
August/2019 - July/2022 Universidade São Judas São Paulo, SP
Partnership with the Secretary of Education of the City of São Paulo
4 cohorts - MATH
2 cohorts - SCIENCE
August/2019 - November/2021 Instituto Federal Catarinense Araquari, SC
1 cohort - MATH
August/2019 - December/2021 Universidade Positivo Curitiba, PR
1 cohort - MATH
1 cohort - SCIENCE
August/2018 - April/2020 Universidade Positivo Curitiba, PR
2 cohorts - MATH
1 cohort - SCIENCE
August/2017 - December/2018 Universidade Veiga de Almeida Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Partnership with the Department of Education of the City Rio de Janeiro
1 cohort - MATH
September/2017 - August/2019 Faculdade Sesi São Paulo, SP
1 cohort - MATH
May/2017 - August/2018 UniBH Belo Horizonte, MG
1 cohort - MATH
May/2017 - September/2018 Universidade São Judas São Paulo, SP
1 cohort - MATH
March/2017 - August/2018 Universidade Positivo Curitiba, PR
1 cohort - MATH

Click here to read about
Conditions and criteria for implementation