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Knowledge base
The PED Brasil curriculum draws from comprehensive research on the characteristics of high-quality teacher education programs and effective pedagogical practices.
The diagram below outlines the theoretical framework guiding PED’s curriculum. With teaching as a profession for learning in a democracy as the overarching goal, the program’s curriculum integrates three primary domains of knowledge and skills, framing the content that teachers learn throughout their training:
Bransford (2005), What teachers
should learn and be able to do, p. 11.
Further, this organizing framework, used to create PED's curricular arc, reflects four fundamental principles:
- Connection and alignment between theory and practice
- Joint work between schools and universities
- Equity with excellence
- Program coherence
Program coherence
Based on the knowledge base framework and the PED principles, the program’s curriculum comprises two highly integrated and connected dimensions: academic and clinical. These dimensions are interconnected over ten in-person courses and a four-circle-mentoring program.
Academic Curriculum
The program’s academic curriculum consists of ten in-person courses that include lessons, activities, readings, and assignments that emphasize the connection between theory and pedagogical practice.
Each module of the program, with the exception of “Introduction to PED” and “Final Portfolio”, is divided into 3 teaching units, with 4 lessons each. At the end of each unit there is a reflection lesson led by a mentor (lessons 4, 8 and 12) which aims to directly connect the studied concepts with real classroom practice and situations.
- Class 1 Equitable Classrooms
- Class 2 Organizing the students for group work
- Class 3 Planning group worthy activities
- Class 4 Workshop: Building group worthy activities
STATUS- Class 5 Status Problems: Unequal Participation Analysis
- Class 6 Status treatment 1: Orientation for multiple abilities
- Class 7 Status treatment 2: Stereotypes and Assigning Competence
- Class 8 Rehearsing a Lesson Snippet
IMPLEMENTATION- Class 9 Language to access, to participate and to demonstrate
- Class 10 Assessing group work
- Class 11 Course Synthesis: Sharing and Reflecting
- Class 12 Conference on Equitable Classrooms
Description of the program courses:
1 - Introduction to PED
This module aims to introduce the participating teachers to the principles, fundamentals and approach of PED Brasil. The participants will learn about the structure of the curriculum and the program’s expectations, initiate the development of a community of learning and practice, and make connections between their own experiences and the construction of equitable interactions in the courses of PED Brasil and in their schools.
2 - Classroom Management and Organization
This course aims to offer participating teachers an understanding of classroom management and organization as the creation of an environment capable of sustaining challenging and equitable learning opportunities. Drawing on theoretical foundations and reflections on their own experiences, participating teachers will develop their own approaches to establishing a well-structured, inclusive and productive learning environment, enabling rigorous intellectual work in the classroom.
- FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia da Autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1996.
- ROGERS, Bill. Gestão de relacionamento e comportamento em sala de aula. Trad. Gisele Klein. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2015.
- WEINSTEIN, C.; NOVODVORSKY, I. Gestão da sala de aula: lições da pesquisa e da prática para trabalhar com adolescentes. Porto Alegre: AMGH Editora, 2015.
3 - Student-Centered Teaching and Learning
Focusing on the principles of children’s and adolescents’ learning and development in family, school and community contexts, this course aims to allow participating teachers to observe and understand children and adolescents from psychological, social, cognitive and physical perspectives. This course illuminates the ways in which teachers’ full knowledge of the student can contribute to their teaching practices and, consequently, to their professional learning and development.
- BANDURA, Albert; AZZI, Roberta Gurgel; POLYDORO, Soely. Teoria Social Cognitiva: conceitos básicos. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2008. cap. 4.
- BRANSFORD, John; BROWN, Ann; COCKING, Rodney (ed.). Como as pessoas aprendem: cérebro, mente, experiência e escola. Comitê de Desenvolvimento da Ciência da Aprendizagem, Comitê de Pesquisa da Aprendizagem e da Prática Educacional, Comissão de Educação e Ciências Sociais e do Comportamento, Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa dos Estados Unidos. São Paulo: Editora Senac São Paulo, 2007.
- BURGOS, Marcelo B.; ROSSI, Laura. O valor da educação escolar para as famílias: confronto entre a percepção dos responsáveis e o senso comum escolar. In: BURGOS, Marcelo Baumann (org.). A escola e o mundo do aluno: estudos sobre a construção social do aluno e o papel institucional da escola. Rio de Janeiro: GARAMOND, 2014. pp. 50-70.
- DARLING-HAMMOND, L. Preparando professores para um mundo em transformação: o que devem aprender e estar aptos a fazer. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2019. pp. 104-106.
- DESSEN, Maria A.; POLONIA, Ana C. A família e a escola como contextos de desenvolvimento humano. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), Ribeirão Preto, v. 17, n. 36, p. 21-32, Abr 2007. Disponível em: <>. doi:
- GOMES, Nilma Lino. Alguns termos e conceitos presentes no debate sobre relações raciais no Brasil: uma breve discussão. In: BRASIL. Educação Anti-racista: caminhos abertos pela Lei federal nº 10.639/03. Brasília, MEC, Secretaria de educação continuada e alfabetização e diversidade, 2005. pp. 39-62.
- JILK, L. M. Supporting teacher noticing of students’ mathematical strengths. Mathematics Teacher Educator, v. 4, n. 2, p. 188-199, 2016. doi: 10.5951/mathteaceduc.4.2.0188
- OECD. O que está por trás da desigualdade de gênero na educação? PISA em foco, v. 03, mar. 2015. Disponível em: <>
- RIES, Bruno Edgar. Condicionamento operante ou instrumental: B. F. Skinner. In LA ROSA, Jorge (org.). Psicologia e Educação: o significado do aprender. Porto Alegre: EDPUCRS, 2003. cap. 3, pp. 57-70.
4 - Group Work in Heterogeneous Classrooms
This course aims to prepare the participating teachers to build equitable classrooms through the pedagogical approach of group work. Based on a solid theoretical foundation, participants will learn and practice: how to create group worthy tasks that support intellectual and social learning goals in their classrooms; how to evaluate group products and individual contributions by group members; and how to intervene to equalize student status relationships so that interactions and participation during group work are more equitable.
- COHEN, Elizabeth; LOTAN, Rachel A. Planejando o trabalho em grupo: estratégias para salas de aula heterogêneas. 3a edição. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2017.
- LOTAN, Rachel A. Teaching teachers to build equitable classrooms. Teoria em Prática (Taylor & Francis, Ltd.), v. 45, n. 1, Detracking and Heterogeneous Grouping, Inverno de 2006, pp. 32-39. Disponível em <>.
- STEELE, Claude. In the air between us: Stereotypes, identity, and achievement. In: MARKUS, H.R. and MOYA, P. M. L. (eds). Doing race. Norton & Company, Inc., 2010.
5 - Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics I
This course aims to promote a reflection on the nature of mathematics and the meaning of the process of “doing mathematics”, recognizing it as an activity that involves creativity, flexibility, communication and collaboration. Participating teachers will explore and implement in their classrooms the Number Talks, a pedagogical practice that aims to develop flexibility and deep understanding of the four operations. In addition to deepening their pedagogical content knowledge on school level Numerical knowledge.
- BOALER, Jo. Mentalidades Matemáticas. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2018.
- BOALER, Jo e WILLIAMS, Cathy. Fluência Sem Medo: Pesquisas Mostram as Melhores Formas de Aprender Fatos Matemáticos. Youcubed. Disponível em:
- BURNS, Marilyn. Snapshots of Student Misunderstandings. Educational Leadership. ASCD, 2010.
- HUMPHREYS, Cathy e PARKER, Ruth. Use Number Talks to Boost Math Reasoning. Middleweb, 2015.
- ________________. Conversas Numéricas. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2019.
- LOCKHART, Paul. A mathematician’s lament: How school cheats us out of our most fascinating and imaginative art form. Bellevue literary press, 2009.
- PARRISH, Sherry. Number talks: Helping children build mental math and computation strategies, grades K-5. Math Solutions, 2010.
- SKEMP, Richard. Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding. The Arithmetic Teacher, v. 26, n. 3, pp.9-15, 1978.
- VAN DE WALLE, John; Matemática no Ensino Fundamental: formação de professores e aplicações em sala de aula. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.
5 - Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Science I
This course aims to promote reflections on the multiple dimensions of science teaching to be considered when planning meaningful, equitable and relevant science tasks for students, taking into account who they are, their interests, and their contexts. Participating teachers will experience and plan science tasks based on science and engineering practices that enable students to engage deeply with scientific phenomena – asking questions, designing experiments, creating models and arguing from evidence about their ideas. Through this course, participants will be able to identify core ideas in science, enhance their knowledge of these core ideas, and identify optimal strategies for lesson design so that students develop deeper scientific understandings.
- BROWN, Bryan A.; RYOO, Kihyun. Teaching science as a language: A “content‐first” approach to science teaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, v. 45, n. 5, p. 529-553, 2008
- FREIRE, Paulo. A concepção «bancária» da educação como instrumento da opressão. Seus pressupostos, sua crítica. In:___. Pedagogia do Oprimido. 17ª edição. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1987, cap. 2, p. 33-43.
- FREIRE, Paulo. A dialogicidade – essência da educação como prática da liberdade. In:___. Pedagogia do Oprimido. 17ª edição. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1987, cap. 3, p. 44-69.
- LEMKE, Jay L. Teaching against the Mystique of Science. In: ___. Talking science: Language, learning, and values. Ablex Publishing Corporation, cap. 5, p. 142-152 1990.
- OSBORNE, Jonathan. Teaching scientific practices: Meeting the challenge of change. Journal of Science Teacher Education, v. 25, n. 2, p. 177-196, 2014.
- PAPERT, Seymour. Logo: Computadores e Educação [Mindstorms: children, computers and powerful ideas] (Tradução: Valente, J.A., Bitelman, B., Ripper, A.V.). Editora Brasiliense, 1988.
- SASSERON, Lúcia Helena. Ensino de ciências por investigação e o desenvolvimento de práticas: uma mirada para a base nacional comum curricular. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, p. 1061-1085, 2018.
- SONGER, Nancy Butler; KALI, Yael. Science education and the learning sciences as coevolving species. In: The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences. 2014. p. 565-586. (trechos)
6 - Designing the Curriculum
In this course teachers enhance their knowledge and practices of curriculum design. Using the theoretical perspective of planning for understanding and the technique of backwards planning, participating teachers create a unit plan through these key tasks: review lesson plans and curriculum guidelines; identify what students know and need to know; map assessment activities focused on evidence of learning; plan and implement learning experiences aligned to learning goals; and, use formative indicators to adjust teacher actions throughout the cycle.
- BERGMANN, Jonathan. Aprendizagem invertida para resolver o problema do dever de casa. Tradução: Henrique de Oliveira Guerra. Revisão Técnica: Marcelo Gabriel. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2018.
- BIGGS, John. Aligning teaching for constructing learning. The Higher Education Academy. 2003. Disponível em: <>.
- BIGGS, John. Teaching teaching & Understanding understanding. Disponível em: <>.
- BRASIL, Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC. Brasília, DF, 2016.
- BRUNER, Jerome. O processo da educação. São Paulo: Editora Nacional, 1972.
- CRAHAY, Marcel. Como a escola pode ser mais justa e eficaz? Cadernos Cenpec. v. 3, n. 1, pp. 09-40, jun. 2013. Disponível em: <>.
- DELPIT, Lisa. Other people’s children: cultural conflict in the classroom. Nova Iorque: The New Press, 2006.
- HEER, Rex. A model of learning objectives. Iowa State University: Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, 2012. Disponível em: <>.
- McTIGHE, Jay; WIGGINS, Grant. Understanding by Design – Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2004.
- MONTGOMERY, Winifred. Creating culturally responsive, inclusive classroom. Teaching exceptional children. Vol. 33, n. 4, pp. 4-9, 2001.
- MOSS, Connie M; BROOKHART, Susan M. Learning Targets: Helping students aim for understanding in today’s lesson. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2012.
- RUSSEL, Michael K.; AIRASIAN, Peter W. Avaliação em sala de aula: conceitos e aplicações. Trad. Marcelo de Abreu Almeida. Porto Alegre: AMGH Editora, 2014, 7 ed.
- SACRISTÁN, J. G. O que significa curriculo? In SACRISTAN, J. G. (org.) Saberes e incertezas sobre o currículo. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2013.
- WEBB, Norman L. Guia Webb da complexidade do conhecimento.
- WIGGINS, Grant; McTIGHE, Jay. Planejamento para a compreensão: alinhando currículo, avaliação e ensino por meio do planejamento reverso. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2019.
- WIGGINS, Grant; McTIGHE, Jay. The Understanding by Design Guide to creating high-quality units. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2011.
- WIGGINS, Grant;McTIGHE, Jay. The Understanding by Design Guide to advanced concepts in creating and Reviewing Units. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2012.
- YOUNG, Michael. Para que servem as escolas? Educ. Soc., Campinas, v. 28, n. 101, p. 1287-1302, set.-dez. 2007.
- ZABALA, Antoni (org). Como trabalhar conteúdos procedimentais na sala de aula. Tradução: Ernani Rosa. Poto Alegre: Artmed, 2007.
7 - Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics II
Mathematics II
This course aims to enable participating teachers to plan open-ended and productive mathematics tasks, focusing on students’ understanding, and to implement lessons based on the problem-solving pedagogical approach. Participants will study the learning expectations described by the Base Nacional Comum Curricular and use the Mathematical Big Ideas as a planning tool. Throughout the course, teachers deepen their pedagogical content knowledge related to Algebra.
- BRASIL, Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC. Brasília, DF, 2016.
- BOALER, Jo. Mentalidades Matemáticas. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2018.
- CHARLES, Randal. Big Ideas and Understandings as the Foundation for Elementary and Middle School Mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, v.7, n.3, 2012.
- MACHADO, Nilson José. Matemática: ideias fundamentais. 2015. Disponível em:
- VAN DE WALLE, John. Matemática no Ensino Fundamental: formação de professores e aplicações em sala de aula. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.
7 - Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Science II
This course deals with literacy (reading and writing) and discourse (speaking and listening) in science and engineering education. It offers examples and rationales for reading, writing, and discussion tasks that engage students in scientific thinking and science and engineering practices.
- BANG M. & MEDIN D. Cultural Processes in Science Education: Supporting the Navigation of Multiple Epistemologies. Sci. Ed., 94: 1008-1026. doi:10.1002/sce.20392
- DISESSA, A. A History of Conceptual Change research: Threads and Fault Lines. In: Sawyer, K (org.). The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences. 2. Ed. 2014, p. 88-91, 93.
- FREIRE, P. Lendo a palavra e lendo o mundo: uma entrevista com Paulo Freire. Language Arts, Vol. 62, No. 1, Making Meaning, Learning Language, 1985. pp. 15-21
- GONZALEZ-HOWARD, M. & MCNEILL, K.L. Teachers’ framing of argumentation goals: Working together to develop individual versus communal understanding. J Res Sci Teach. 56: p.821–844, 2019.
- MORROW, R.A. Paulo Freire, Indigenous Knowledge and eurocentric critiques of development: three perspectives. In: Torres, Carlos Alberto; Noguera, Pedro (eds.) Social Justice Education for Teachers. Paulo Freire and the Possible Dream. Rotterdam, Sense Publishers, 2008. p. 81-85
- NORRIS S.P. & PHILLIPS, L.M. Como o letramento em seu sentido fundamental é central para o letramento científico. Science Education, v.87 n2 p. 224-40, 2003.
- OCDE. Futuro da Educação e Competências 2030 da OCDE.
- PASSMORE, SCHWARZ & MANKOWSKI. Desenvolver e usar modelos. In: Schwarz, C; Passmore, C; and Reiser B. J. Helping Students make Sense of the World through Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices. NSTA Press, 2017
- SADLER, P.M.; SONNERT, G. Understanding Misconceptions: Teaching and Learning in Middle School Physical Science. American Educator 2016 v.40 n 1 p. 26-32.
- WILKERSON, M. & FENWICK, M. (2016). A prática de usar matemática e pensamento computacional. In C. V. Schwarz, C. Passmore, & B. J. Reiser (Eds.), Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers’ Association Press.
8 - Assessment for Equity
This course aims to develop the knowledge base, skills, and strategies of the participating teachers to design an assessment system that supports the learning and performance of all students in their classrooms. Throughout the classes, participants will discuss research evidence that highlights the potential of formative assessments to increase levels of learning and equity in the classroom; the provision of feedback and the assignment of grades; the use of large scale assessments in Brazilian educational policy; and the role of the assessment plan and policy in the classroom.
- BOALER, Jo. Mentalidades Matemáticas. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2018.
- BOTELHO, Fernando; MADEIRA, Ricardo; RANGEL, Marcos A. Racial discrimination in grading: Evidence from Brazil. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, v. 7, n. 4, p. 37-52, 2015.
- BROOKHART, Susan M. Feedback that fits. Educational Leadership, p. 54-59, 2008.
- BROOKHART, Susan M. How to give effective feedback to your students. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2017.
- CASTILLO ARREDONDO, Santiago; CABRERIZO DIAGO, Jesús. Avaliação educacional e promoção escolar. Trad. Sandra Martha Dolinsky. Curitiba: Ibepex; São Paulo: Unesp, 2009.
- DE BLASIS, Eloísa (org); TILGER, Marcos; LONGATO, Silvia. Avaliação Educacional: os desafios da sala de aula e a promoção da aprendizagem. São Paulo: Cenpec: Fundação Itaú Social, 2014.
- FELDMAN, Joe. Grading for equity: What it is, why it matters, and how it can transform schools and classrooms. Canada: Corwin Press, 2018.
- GONZALEZ, Jennifer. Your Rubric is a Hot Mess; Here’s How to Fix It. Brilliant or Insane: Education on the Edge, Outubro 2024.
- REEVES, Douglas. Elements of grading: a guide to effective practice. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press, 2011.
- RUSSEL, Michael K.; AIRASIAN, Peter W. Avaliação em sala de aula: conceitos e aplicações. Trad. Marcelo de Abreu Almeida. Porto Alegre: AMGH Editora, 2014, 7 ed.
- STIGGINS, Richard J. Assessment crisis: The absence of assessment for learning. Phi Delta Kappan, v. 83, n. 10, p. 758-765, 2002.
- VIEIRA, André. Expectativas dos professores e mismatch racial na escola pública brasileira. Cadernos de Pesquisa, v. 48, p. 412-445, 2018.
9 - Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics III
This course aims to support participating teachers in the development of mathematics learning communities in which student discourse is central. Participants will learn practices in planning and implementing productive mathematical discussions with the whole class, focusing on the connections between students’ ideas, reasoning and understanding, as well as deepening their pedagogical content knowledge of Geometry and Measurement.
- HIEBERT, J.; CARPENTER, T. P.; FENNEMA, E.; FUSON, K. C.; WEARNE, D.; MURRAY, H.; OLIVIER, A.; HUMAN, P. Making Sense: teaching and learning mathematics with understanding. Portsmouth, 1997.
- HUFFERD-ACKLES, K.; FUSON, K. C.; SHERIN, M. G. Describing Levels and Components of a Math-Talk Learning Community. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 81-116, 2004.
- STEIN, M. K; SMITH, M. S. 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematical Discussions. Reston: NCTM, 2011.
- VAN DE WALLE, John. Matemática no Ensino Fundamental: formação de professores e aplicações em sala de aula. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.
- YACKEL, E.; COBB, P. Normas sociomatemáticas, argumentação e autonomia em matemática, tradução de João Pedro da Ponte. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, United States, v. 27, Issue 4, p. 458, 20 p, 2 diagrams, jul/1996.
9 - Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Science III
This course delves deeper into the area of science and engineering practices. Participating teachers learn how to develop these practices in different areas of science such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth Sciences and Environmental Science. We also continue our work in content literacy (reading and writing) as well as scientific literacy (general knowledge about important science concepts).
- BLIKSTEIN P. (2014) Bifocal Modeling: Promoting Authentic Scientific Inquiry Through Exploring and Comparing Real and Ideal Systems Linked in Real-Time. In: Nijholt A. (eds) Playful User Interfaces. Gaming Media and Social Effects.
- BRICKER, L. A. , BELL P., VAN HORNE, K., CLARK T. L. (2016) Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information. In C. V. Schwarz, C. Passmore, & B. J. Reiser (Eds.), Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers’ Association Press.
- HÖTTECKE, D., & ALLCHIN, D. (2020). Reconceptualizing nature of science education in the age of social media. Science Education, 104, 641–666.
- MORALES-DOYLE, D. (2017) Justice-centered science pedagogy: A catalyst for academic achievement and social transformation. Science Education. 101:1034–1060
- MORREL E. (2014). Ensinando os alunos a ler a palavra e o mundo. The Council Chronicle, by the National Council of Teachers of English.
- MOURA C.B. (2019) O Ensino de Ciências e a Justiça Social – questões para o debate (Editorial). Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, v. 36, n. 1, p. 1-7.
- OSBORNE, J., SEDLACEK, Q. C., FRIEND, M., & LEMMI, C. (2016). Aprendendo a ler ciências. Science Scope, 40(3), 36-42.
- SHANAHAN T. & SHANAHAN C. (2008) Ensinando Letramento em Disciplinas para Adolescentes: Repensando o Letramento de Área de Conhecimento. Harvard Educational Review: 2008, Vol. 78, No. 1, pp. 40-59.
- WILKERSON, M. & FENWICK, M. (2016). A prática de usar matemática e pensamento computacional. In C. V. Schwarz, C. Passmore, & B. J. Reiser (Eds.), Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers’ Association Press.
10 - Final Project: Preparing the Portfolio
In this course, participating teachers prepare a final portfolio, submitted as a final project of the specialization program. With support from the faculty and the program coordinator, participating teachers build a reflective portfolio, which must contain reflections on assignments from each course as well as a culminating performance assessment related to the unit developed in courses 6 and 8.
Clinical Curriculum
The clinical curriculum of PED Brasil consists of a structured mentoring program, in which each participating teacher is individually supported by a mentor throughout the program.
- Reflecting on practice: mentors are responsible for and lead lessons 4, 8 and 12 of each course, with the aim of offering a privileged space for participants to reflect on the way in which the topics covered in each course connect with the practice of their classrooms.
- Visits to schools: mentors visit, at least once, each of the schools where their mentees teach, with the aim of getting to know the work context better and bringing the theory of the program closer to the practice of the participating teachers.
- Observing and Providing Feedback: throughout the program, the mentors perform four cycles of observation and individual feedback with each of their mentees. The objective is to support the professional development of the participating teacher.The observations focus on the planning process (using the participating teacher’s lesson plans) and effective implementation of teaching (using video footage of a representative lesson segment). The cycle concludes with a video conference to discuss the observation and written feedback from the mentor. The professional standards of PED and the participating teacher’s specific needs and priorities guide each cycle.
standards document
Assessment System
PED Assessment System is composed of assignments developed during each course and a final performance assessment, the Portfolio. The development of the assignments within each of the courses organizes the bases for the construction of their individual Portfolio.
Academic assessment of the courses
In each course, participating teachers produce specific artifacts of professional learning. Through these assignments, teachers connect and align their content knowledge, their pedagogical content knowledge, and their professional experiences. Participating teachers demonstrate their emerging knowledge in many ways including: preparing case studies, conducting and analyzing interviews, developing units or lessons, and applying teaching resources. PED faculty provide detailed and specific feedback on all products, providing each participating teacher with an assessment of their current knowledge base and recommendations for continued growth and mastery.
See below an example of one assignment of the course Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics / Science I


to download the
PDF file
Final Portfolio
The Final Portfolio is the culminating product of the specialization program, draws from all courses, and includes a Performance Assessment. Participating teachers prepare the Final Portfolio by reflecting upon their learning and growth in each course, using artifacts from the courses to support this process. Participating teachers use research, experimentation and reflection to prepare the Portfolio, which is divided into two parts:
Part 1 – Collection of the final assignments of the courses: Documentation and reflection on the participant’s products and learning throughout the program. By organizing the final assignments for each course, participants have the opportunity to revisit and interpret important learning and developmental milestones during the PED Brasil program.
Part 2 – Teaching Performance Assessment-TPA: Each participating teacher demonstrates how they are putting key learning from PED into practice. Their TPA encompasses planning a complete unit, implementing (with students) and filming one of the lessons from the unit, analyzing their students’ performance during the unit/lesson, and reflecting on this entire process.

Part 1
Collection of the final assignments
- Collection of the final assignments of the courses
- Analysis and reflection

Part 2
Teaching Performance Assessment
- Planning a teaching unit
- Deepening in one lesson plan
- Class implementation and filming
- Analysis and reflection