Who are we About PED Brasil Team Visual Identity


PED Brasil Team brings together people with unique knowledge of theory and practice in the field of teacher education, developed through their institutional and individual trajectories in education.

Alessandra Novak Instituto Canoa PhD in Health and Environment from the University of the Region of Joinville.
Alessandra Silva Instituto Canoa Master’s degree in Mathematics Education from the Federal University of Ouro Preto. Graduated and specialized in Mathematics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
Anderson Santos Instituto Canoa Undergraduate student in Agronomic Engineering and Degree in Agricultural Sciences at ESALQ/USP.
César Simões Instituto Canoa Economist, graduated from the University of São Paulo. Math teacher.
Fábio Boreli Instituto Canoa Bachelor and degree in Chemistry from Unicamp, master's degree in Science Teaching at Unicamp.
Fernando Carnaúba Instituto Canoa PhD in Mathematics Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and Professor at Stanford Graduate School of Education.
Francielle dos Santos Instituto Canoa Mathematician, graduated from the University of São Paulo. Math teacher.
Fransueli Bahr Instituto Canoa Masters in Scientific and Technological Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Guilherme Desiderio Instituto Canoa Engineer, graduated from the University of São Paulo. Math teacher.
Kaique Menezes Instituto Canoa Undergraduate student in Geography at University of São Paulo.
Luana Hallai Instituto Canoa Graduated in Biological Sciences and Master's student in the Interunit Science Teaching Program at USP.
Mila Molina Instituto Canoa Masters in Educational Policy and Teaching, from the University of Michigan, and Director of Instituto Canoa.
Patrícia Sader Instituto Canoa Masters in Mathematics Education from the State University of Campinas.
Prof. Paulo Blikstein Columbia University Professor at Columbia University and Director of the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab.
Prof. Pia Wong California State University Sacramento Associate Dean for the College of Education at California State University, Sacramento.
Prof. Martin Carnoy Stanford University Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Education and Director of the Lemann Center at Stanford.
Prof. Rachel Lotan Stanford University Professor Emerita at the Stanford Graduate School of Education and PED's Pedagogical and Strategic Director.
Rita Lima de Castro Instituto Canoa Postdoctoral Fellow at FEA-USP and holds a Ph.D. in Sciences, a Master’s degree in Business Administration, a BA in Social Communication (Journalism), and a BA in Business Administration and Accounting.
Stephany Francisco Instituto Canoa Undergraduate Student in Educommunication at the University of São Paulo.
Tatiana Hochgreb-Haegele Stanford University Researcher at the Stanford Graduate School of Education.
Teresa Ribeiro Instituto Canoa Masters and PhD in Education from PUC São Paulo.


Andréa Schmitz PhD Student in Education at the University of São Paulo. Pedagogue.
Barbara Born Stanford University PhD Candidate at Stanford Graduate School of Education.
Bruna Pecin Stanford University Master’s Student at Stanford Graduate School of Education.
Catherine Anne Lemmi Stanford University Professor at the School of Education, California State University, Chico.
Geetha Lakshminarayanan Stanford University Instructor at the Stanford Graduate School of Education.
Kristina Dance Stanford University Instructor at the Stanford Graduate School of Education.
Paula Louzano Universidad Diego Portales Dean of the Facultad de Educación at Universidad Diego Portales, Chile.

Advisory Board of PED Brasil

Members of the Advisory Board of PED Brasil:

  • Camila Pereira – Fundação Lemann
  • Daniel Castanho – Instituto Ânima
  • Izolda Cela – Vice-governor of Ceará
  • Marcelo Knobel – Unicamp
  • Martin Carnoy – Stanford University
  • Paula Louzano – Universidad Diego Portales
  • Roseli de Deus Lopes – USP/IEA

Instituto Canoa

Instituto Canoa is a non-profit organization created in 2017 with the mission of promoting excellent teacher education programs in Brazil. The Instituto Canoa implements PED Brasil in partnership with the Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Brazil at the Stanford University Graduate School of Education and a network of Brazilian higher education institutions.

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Lemann Center at Stanford

The Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Brazil, located at the Stanford University Graduate School of Education in California, supports students, researchers and Brazilian institutions in the development of research and innovative projects focused on improving opportunities for Brazilian students.

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about our visual identity